william s

ReGenesisHRT has literally changed my life in a dramatic fashion. I’m a 45 year old man. Somewhere around 40, I started to lose the things that made me viable. My body was turning to flab, and my spirits were low. I felt tired and my sex drive was significantly reduced. Honestly, I couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs without being winded. Every time I took my shirt off I felt self conscious and emasculated. My former athlete’s body had been replaced with an old man’s body. I had become a shell of my former self. Approximately a year ago, I decided to change things. I made the decision to fight to regain the life I remembered. I contacted Matt at ReGenesis HRT. The entire medical staff was courteous, patient and knowledgeable. They explained that my symptoms were very common amongst men my age. They gave me relief and they gave me hope. In the past 12 months, I have found the fountain of youth. With careful Doctor’s care, a clean diet and some hard work, I have transformed my body into nearly solid muscle. My body composition has completely changed. My spirits are high, my moods are good, and my sex drive is in high gear. I’m 45 and I have six pack abs for the first time in my life. I weigh 170 lbs and I can bench press 250. For me, those are huge accomplishments. Now, when I take my shirt off at the pool, there’s no shame. In fact, I usually look better than most guys in their 20’s or 30’s. I cannot recommend ReGenesisHRT highly enough. ReGenesisHRT has helped me regain my life. I am bigger, stronger and more confident than ever before. Thank you ReGenesisHRT!
Heath from Grand Rapids, Michigan. (formerly from Pittsburgh)